Here are my five top tips for how to plan a backpacking trip:
1. Don’t over-plan – This might seem like an odd suggestion given the title of the post, but having room for spontaneity on your trip is something you will not regret!
2. Read – Before you go, buy a Lonely Planet or Rough Guide on the area so that you can learn a little more about the places you are visiting and make some notes about whatever interests you. Take the book with you (or take pictures of the pages if you are short on space), so that you can do some background reading as you go along!
3. Be vague – Have a vague idea of where you intend to go. Use sites like ‘Tripline’ to put your ideas down and share them with your travel companion or family and friends at home who will want to know about your ideas for your trip.
4. Talk – Chat to fellow travellers and see what they recommend. The people you meet in hostels may have already visited somewhere you plan on going further down the line and therefore will be able to recommend places to stay, eat, and visit, or even places to avoid! Their tips will be so, so valuable and you don’t want to have over-planned your trip so that you can’t change your plans upon hearing their recommendations and advice!
5. Have at least your first night of accommodation secured – Usually I have approximately the first three nights’ accommodation arranged, as well as how I will get there. This is because you want the security of knowing that when you get off the plane you have somewhere to rest your head, and to not have to worry about where you’re going next whilst you adjust to your new circumstances. This will also help calm any stressed relatives or friends knowing you are safe!